
Last Update: August 3, 2006

This page provides access to various documents pertaining to MODAPS production and LAADS archive and distribution:

Reprocessing Plans
MODAPS has started Collection 5 reprocessing and forward processing for Aqua atmospheres and will start Collection 5 land reprocessing for Terra on June 5, 2006. Complete plans are given for these disciplines at Collection 5 Atmospheres Reprocessing Plan and Collection 5 Land Reprocessing Plan.

PIP Reports
MODAPS submits routine reports to the weekly PI Processing (PIP) group meetings. These reports including summaries of MODAPS forward and reprocessing production plans and actuals, and the status of GES DAAC/MODAPS Transition Issues. Current and historical reports are available at PIP Reports.

MODIS Distribution Reports
This page provides information on the amount of data provided to MODIS users. The reports included monthly averages and daily totals in both volume and number of files.

MODIS Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
The Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs) provide the mathematical and theoretical bases for the algorithms used in MODIS processing. (This link will open in a new browser window).

Inter-Comparison Report
MODAPS will perform reprocessing for the atmospheres and land disciplines using L0 data as input. These data are currently archived on disk in MODAPS. Since the GES DAAC has also reprocessed some Collection 5 L1 and cloud mask/profiles and is currently distributing these data products, it is important to establish the GDAAC- and MODAPS- generated products are equivalent. A total of 27 "comparison days" have been identified (17 for Terra and 10 for Aqua) and detailed studies of the GDAAC and MODAPS values have been conducted. The study indicates that the two data sets are equivalent for reprocessing and forward processing purposes. The inter-comparison report is available.