
Last Update: June 15, 2022

This section of the production website identifies various aspects of the archive and distribution of Collection 5 land and Collection 4 and 5 atmospheres data products using the Land and Atmospheres Archive and Distribution System (LAADS). Information is also provided about the L0 archive.

LAADS Capabilities
This page provides a summary of the capabilities of the present operational version of LAADS (Version 3) and plans and schedules for future versions (Versions 4 and 5).

Land Archive
This page describes the archive approach for the land Collection 4 and 5 data products and includes a link for the data currently available in LAADS.

Atmospheres Archive
This page describes the archive approach for the atmosphere Collection 4 and 5 data products and includes a link for the data currently available in LAADS.

Special Products Archive
This page describes the various special data products (e.g. Aeronet L1B and 5x5 pixel L1B subsets) which are available for general distribution.

L0 Archive (TBA)
Starting in July 2006, LAADS will provide user access to the L0 archive (Transitions Planned). In the interim, any requests for L0 data should be submitted to User Support. All L0 data are archived in the MODAPS L0 archive. Data are presently received from the GES DAAC. However, starting in August, 2006 (Transitions Planned), MODAPS will receive L0 data directly from EDOS. Near-real time data are received in the form of 2-hour files but are split into 5-minute granules before being archived in the L0 archive. A significant fraction of the historical data are presently archived as 2-hour files but are in the process of being split into 5-minute granules and re-archived. This splitting process will be completed by December 2006. The data presently archived in the L0 archive are identified at /:8499/production/status.html. This site requires user registration.

Data Access
This page provides access instructions for any L1, land, or atmospheres data archived by MODAPS.

MODIS Distribution Reports
This page provides information on the amount of data provided to MODIS users. The reports included monthly averages and daily totals in both volume and number of files.