Special Products Archive

Last Update: August 22, 2006

MODAPS generates and archives a number of special products that are available to the general user community. These are documented on this page.

Aeronet Subsetter

This subsetter (PGE90) generates cutouts (MYDARNSS.xxx and MODARNSS.xxx) of L1B, geolocation, cloud mask, and various NCEP ancillary data products for each of the 176 Aeronet sites (xxx). The products are distributed through subscriptions to various end users but are also archived in LAADS and are available to the general user community (Data Access). Data products are being archived in LAADS for Collection 5 Aqua forward processing (starting dataday 220, 2006), for Terra forward processing (starting dataday 222, 2006), and for Terra atmospheres reprocessing (starting at dataday 205, 2005).

These products are a replacement for the MOD02*SC, MYD02*SC, MOD02*RP, MYD02*RP, MOD35*SC, and MYD35*SC products previously generated by the GES DAAC.

Pixel Subsetter

This subsetter (PGE93) generates a 5x5 (1 in 5 along track and 1 in 5 across the swath) subset of the 1km L1B products. The subsetted products are MOD02SSH and MYD02SSH. The products are archived in LAADS and are available to the general user community (Data Access). Data products are being archived in LAADS for Collection 5 Aqua forward processing (starting dataday 222, 2006), Terra forward processing (starting dataday 222, 2006), and Terra atmospheres reprocessing (starting dataday 221, 2005).

These products are a replacement for the MOD02SSH, MYD02SSH, MOD02SSN, and MYD02SSN products previously generated by the GES DAAC.

OBC Files

These engineering files are principally used by the MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST) but they are archived on the rolling data pool, are visible through LAADS, and are available to the general user community. The data pool has a capacity equivalent to approximately the last 20 days of production (Data Access) . OBC files are sent to the data pool from Aqua and Terra forward processing and Terra atmospheres reprocessing.