JPSS1 Product Descriptions: VJ146A1G_NRT
Last update: October 26, 2023
Data Set Short Name:
Data Set Long Name:
VIIRS/JPSS1 Granular Gridded Day Night Band 500m Linear Lat Lon Grid Night NRT
Joint Polar-orbiting Satellite System-1 (JPSS-1; now NOAA-20)
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
Product Description:
The Near Real Time (NRT) NASA Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) hourly top-of-atmosphere, at-sensor nighttime radiance product called VIIRS/JPSS1 Granular Gridded Day Night Band 500m Linear Lat Lon Grid Night.
Known by its short-name, VJ146A1G_NRT, is same as VJ146A1_NRT except that this product is generated hourly, cumulative from start of day through the hour the file is generated for.
This product contains 26 Science Data Sets (SDS) that include sensor radiance, zenith and azimuth angles (at-sensor, solar, and lunar), cloud-mask flags, time, shortwave IR radiance, brightness temperatures, VIIRS quality flags, moon phase angle, and moon illumination fraction. It also provides Quality Flag (QF) information specific to the cloud-mask, VIIRS moderate-resolution bands M10, M11, M12, M13, M15, M16, and DNB.
- AYYYYDDD = Acquisition Year and Day of Year
- HHMM = Hour and minute of acquisition
- hXXvYY = Sinusoidal Tile Identifier (horizontalXXverticalYY)
- CCC = Collection Version number
- YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time
- h5 = HDF-EOS (version 5) file format
For more information read VIIRS Nighttime Lights product User's Guide
or visit NASA Earth Science Data Records at VIIRS Land website
Production Frequency:
~1900 file per day
Spatial Coverage:
Spatial Resolution:
File Size (MB):
Dataset Originator/Creator:
NASA JPSS1/VIIRS Land SIPS/Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE)Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
Data Authors:
Dr. Miguel O. Román
Dataset DOI: