JPSS1 Product Descriptions: VJ109CMG

Last update: October 25, 2023

Data Set Short Name:

Data Set Long Name:
VIIRS/JPSS1 Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG NRT

Joint Polar-orbiting Satellite System-1 (JPSS-1; now NOAA-20)

Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)

Product Description:
The VJ109CMG_NRT is a Near Real Time (NRT) VIIRS/JPSS1 Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG product. The VIIRS surface reflectance products are estimates of surface reflectance in each of the VIIRS reflective bands I1-I3, M1-M5, M7, M8, M10, and M11. VJ109CMG is a Level-3 surface reflectance product produced on a 0.05 Deg CMG grid. The VJ109CMG surface reflectance product is composed of all available surface reflectance observations for a given day over a set of tiles with global coverage. The tile numbering scheme and boundaries are the same as for MODIS.

Surface reflectance is obtained by adjusting top-of-atmosphere reflectance to compensate for atmospheric effects. Corrections are made for the effects of molecular gases, including ozone and water vapor, and for the effects of atmospheric aerosols. The inputs to the surface reflectance algorithm include top-of-atmosphere reflectance for the VIIRS visible bands (VJ102MOD, VJ102IMG), the VIIRS cloud mask and aerosol product (JPSS1-CMIP_L2), aerosol optical thickness (JPSS1_VAOTIP_L2, JPSS1_VAMIP_L2), and atmospheric data obtained from a reanalysis (surface pressure, atmospheric precipitable water, and ozone concentration).
All surface reflectance products are produced for daytime conditions only. The product is produced under all atmospheric conditions except for night and oceans. Pixels when not produced are replaced by fill values in the Level-2 and Level-2G products.

file_naming_convention = "VJ109CMG_NRT.AYYYYDDD.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.h5

  • AYYYYDDD = Acquisition Year and Day of Year
  • CCC = Collection version number
  • YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time
  • h5 = Hierarchical Data Format (version 5)

For more information read JPSS1 VIIRS Surface Reflectance User's Guide
or visit VIIRS Land website

Production Frequency:
1 file per day

Spatial Coverage:

Spatial Resolution:
0.05 Deg

File Size (MB):


Dataset Originator/Creator:
NASA JPSS1 Land Science Team/MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS)

Data Authors:
Eric Vermote

Dataset DOI: