PCR Number VNP 24-002
Date 2024-01-25
Initiator Carol Davidson
Abstract PGE525 2.0.5

In PGE525/MOD_PR13A1, fixed a bug that caused the crash of the process when no compact data fieldswere in the input L2G file. In revised code, it checks for presence of "nadd_obs_row", if present, it looks for and uses the compact layers, and if not uses the layer available. Change in PGE525 2.0.5. Revised version to be used for forward processing and any remaining reprocessing to be done for NPP and JPSS1 C2. Also put in for leading edge of J2.

Problem Statement Revisions to PGE525/16-day VI, to enable it to process successfully when inputs are missing compact layers, which PGE was failing on occassionally.
Description of Change In PGE525/MOD_PR13A1, fixed a bug that caused the crash of the process when no compact data fieldswere in the input L2G file. In revised code, it checks for presence of "nadd_obs_row", if present, it looks for and uses the compact layers, and if not uses the layer available. Change in PGE525 2.0.5. Revised version to be used for forward processing and any remaining reprocessing to be done for NPP and JPSS1 C2. Also put in for leading edge of J2.
Products Affected V[NP|J1]21, V[NP|J1]21_NRT, V[NP|J1]21IMG_NRT
Software Affected PGE525 2.0.5
Processing String to Receive the Change S-NPP Forward Processing. S-NPP Reprocessing. J1 Forward Processing. J1 Reprocessing. J2 Forward Processing.
Downstream Product Effects All VIIRS land products
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A science test was conducted of PGE525 and results reviewed by LDOPE.
Justification Revison will prevent random failures.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change PGE525 2.0.5 in VNP/VJ1/VJ2_L12glu 2.0.9 to go into C2 processign for NPP, J1, and J2 starting with 16-day period starting 2024-03
Status Major algorithm development completed. Guoqing Lin approved 01/16/2024. Sadashiva Devadiga approved 01/17/2024. Sudipta Sakar implemented 01/25/2024.