PCR Number VNP 24-001
Date 2024-01-16
Initiator Carol Davidson
Abstract Official release of J2 C2 NASA L1, 375m Fire, CR and FIRMS for NRT using:

VJ2_00nrtglu 2.0.3 PGE595 2.0.9
VJ2_0nrtglu 3.0.7 PGE500 3.0.15
VJ2_1Vanrtglu 2.0.6 PGE501 3.0.35
VJ2_1bnrtglu 2.0.13 PGE502 3.0.32
VJ2_L1bnrtglu 2.0.13 PGE510 2.0.13 PGE600J2 2.0.5 PGE603 2.0.7
VJ2_L1dnrtglu 2.0.9 PGE510D 2.0.13

Problem Statement Initiating generation of J2 L1B, Geo, 375m Fire, FIRMS and CR products for NRT.
Description of Change Official release of J2 C2 NASA L1, 375m Fire, CR and FIRMS for NRT using:

VJ2_00nrtglu 2.0.3 PGE595 2.0.9
VJ2_0nrtglu 3.0.7 PGE500 3.0.15
VJ2_1Vanrtglu 2.0.6 PGE501 3.0.35
VJ2_1bnrtglu 2.0.13 PGE502 3.0.32
VJ2_L1bnrtglu 2.0.13 PGE510 2.0.13 PGE600J2 2.0.5 PGE603 2.0.7
VJ2_L1dnrtglu 2.0.9 PGE510D 2.0.13

Products Affected VJ201_NRT,VJ203[IMG|MOD|DNB]_NRT,VJ202[IMG|MOD|DNB|OBC|GDC]_NRT, VJ2S[011|030|034|037|SCI],VJ214IMG[C]_NRT,VJ214IMG[DP],VJ2CR_NRT,VJ214IMGT_NR
Software Affected PGE595 2.0.9, PGE500 3.0.15, PGE501 3.0.35, PGE502 3.0.32, PGE510[D] 2.0.13, PGE600J2 2.0.5, PGE603 2.0.7
Processing String to Receive the Change J2 Forward Processing. NRT
Downstream Product Effects All VIIRS land products
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A science test was conducted for suite of PGEs listed in section 8 above on nrt4 AS5200 with results reviewed by LDOPE and FIRMS teams
Justification Official J2 C2 NRT product generation, using the latest science codes and LUT combinations.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change All changes will be put into use on both nrt3 and nrt4, AS5200, officially beginning 1/22/24.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Guoqing Lin approved 01/16/2024. Sadashiva Devadiga approved 01/17/2024. Sudipta Sakar implemented 01/17/2024.