PCR Number VNP 22-002
Date 2022-21-01
Initiator Carol Davidson
Abstract PGE500 3.0.11, PGE501 3.0.33, PGE502 3.0.29, PGE510 2.0.9, PGE595 2.0.5, PGE600 2.0.3, PGE603 2.0.5, PGE620L1 2.0.8, PGE620GD1 2.0.7, PGE624 1.0.2

Install for use the SNPP C2 and JPSS1 C2.1 variations of Land SIPS L1 PGEs, PGE595/L0 splitter, PGE500/L1A, PGE501/Geolocation and PGE502/L1B on NRT3 in archives that correspond to those in use in forward processing for these collections. Make use of these Geolocation and L1B to produce 375m Fire, GIBS and corrected reflectance products. Attachment indicates additions/changes to be made in each archive on NRT3.

Problem Statement Revising VIIRS Recipes/PGEs in use on NRT3 to include running SNPP C2 and JPSS1 C2.1 L1s and generate downstream products from them to have NRT products corresponding to those in forward processing.
Description of Change Install for use the SNPP C2 and JPSS1 C2.1 variations of Land SIPS L1 PGEs, PGE595/L0 splitter, PGE500/L1A, PGE501/Geolocation and PGE502/L1B on NRT3 in archives that correspond to those in use in forward processing for these collections. Make use of these Geolocation and L1B to produce 375m Fire, GIBS and corrected reflectance products. Attachment indicates additions/changes to be made in each archive on NRT3.
Products Affected V[NP|J1]01_NRT, V[NP|J1]02[IMG|MOD|DNB|GDC|OBC]_NRT, V[NP|J1]03[IMG|MOD|DNB]_NRT, V[NP|J1]T[000|008|011|SCI], VNPT11K
Software Affected PGE500 3.0.11, PGE501 3.0.33, PGE502 3.0.29, PGE510 2.0.9, PGE595 2.0.5, PGE600 2.0.3, PGE603 2.0.5, PGE620L1 2.0.8, PGE620GD1 2.0.7, PGE624 1.0.2
Processing String to Receive the Change NRT
Downstream Product Effects All VIIRS land products
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A science test has been executing on nrt4 with the new versions of PGEs and Recipes in place in each of the archives to verify proper execution. Samples from these runs have been made available to the GIBS group to review and approve.
Justification Transitioning to C2/C2.1 variations will help align the NRT processing chains with those in forward processing. Note that the subversion varitions of the PGEs will be in use in NRT, and not the gitlab variations that are in use in forward processing
Effective Date for Implementation of Change PGEs noted in attached document can go into NRT forward processing for SNPP AS5200 and JPSS1 AS5201 installed for use and start use as of 01/25/21 data.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved 02/08/2022.