PCR Number | VNP 20-010 |
Date | 2020-12-22 |
Initiator | Carol Davidson |
Abstract | PGE592 2.0.2 - C2 PGE592/VNP_CloudSubSampler in VNP_1bm7 3.0.35 is based revisions provided by the Langley/CERES team so in cases where the DNB L1B have been blocked from archiving based on granules being flagged as bad by the LDOPE team, the subsetter will proceed to process with the available MOD and IMG resolution L1B and Geolocation rather than go to NoRun and have data gaps. This version replaces the version SNPP C2 reprocessing started with. It will be used from 2/19/13 onward and to reprocess the days in 2012 where DNB blocking has occurred. |
Problem Statement | CERES team's Cloud Subsampler, for C2 SNPP VIIRS reprocessing/forward processing, new v2.0.2 in VNP_1bm7 3.0.35, with an update that enables the PGE to process without DNB L1B in cases where L1B are not archived due to granules flagged as bad by LDOPE. |
Description of Change | Subsetter code revised by CERES team to set the DNB L1B and Geolocation inputs as optional. When not present, LUNS for these inputs set to "NOTEXIST" in the pcf file. Previous version would go to NoRun in cases where all inputs were not available. The code and change of production rules are applicable to SNPP only; code and production rules to be used for JPSS1 are unchanged. |
Products Affected | VNP0203IMD_SS |
Software Affected | PGE592 2.0.2 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | S-NPP Forward Processing. S-NPP Reprocessing. |
Downstream Product Effects | All VIIRS land products |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | Tests performed during integration. Further checkout to be done with data production runs. |
Justification | C2 PGE592/VNP_CloudSubSampler in VNP_1bm7 3.0.35 is based revisions provided by the Langley/CERES team so in cases where the DNB L1B have been blocked from archiving based on granules being flagged as bad by the LDOPE team, the subsetter will proceed to process with the available MOD and IMG resolution L1B and Geolocation rather than go to NoRun and have data gaps. This version replaces the version SNPP C2 reprocessing started with. It will be used from 2/19/13 onward and to reprocess the days in 2012 where DNB blocking has occurred. |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | PGE592/VNP_CloudSubSampler v2.0.2 start use 2013/02/19 |
Status | Major algorithm development completed. Carol Davidson on behalf of Sunny Sun-Mack of Langley approved 12/18/2020. Gang Ye approved on 12/18/2020. |