PCR Number VNP 16-002
Date 2016-10-25
Initiator Jim Ray, Eric Vermote
Abstract PGE504 v1.0.5 -- Port the operational IDPS AOT IP algorithm for use in operational processing of VIIRS AOT IP swath product, VNP04_L2, at Land SIPS and implement C6 changes from the internal AOT process in the C6 MODIS surface reflectance algorithm.
Problem Statement Generate the AOT product as an intermediate product in the land V1 forward processing and reprocessing streams at Land SIPS for use by the land surface reflectance process.
Description of Change Port the operational IDPS AOT IP algorithm for use in operational processing of VIIRS AOT IP swath product, VNP04_L2, at Land SIPS and implement C6 changes from the internal AOT process in the C6 MODIS surface reflectance algorithm.
Products Affected VNP04_L2
Software Affected PGE504 v1.0.5
Processing String to Receive the Change VNP Forward Processing, VNP Reprocessing, LANCE-NRT
Downstream Product Effects Expected to improve the aerosol correction in the L2 swath surface reflectance product VNP09 and in turn all the downstream daily and 8-day composite products. VNP09GA, VNP09A1, VNP09H1, VNP09CMG VMP09CMA
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Run 8-day global test generating the AOTIP product and the full suite of surface reflectance products.
Justification The upstream AOT IP process with the MODIS C6 changes generates high quality AOT IP product which in turn improves the quality and accuracy L2 LSR product.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed
Status Sadashiva Devadiga, C. Justice, M. Roman approved 11/01/2016. Gang Ye approved on 11/1/2016.