PCR Number | RR 17-009 |
Date | 2017-12-26 |
Initiator | Jeff Schmaltz |
Abstract | Updated coefficient files and corrected directory reference of coefficient. |
Problem Statement | This updates PGE620 to run the new version of VIIRS Day/Night Band Enhanced Near Constant Contrast (ENCC) algorithm from Kelvin Bentzel and the Direct Readout Lab. |
Description of Change | Update nrt3 with PGE620 V1.0.12. We will also need to change the associated scripts to pull the input data for VNPNCC from: of: |
Products Affected | VIIRS NRT imagery products |
Software Affected | PGE620 v1.0.12 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | NRT |
Downstream Product Effects | None. |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | This has been tested on nrt4. |
Justification | |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | As soon as possible |
Status | Jeff Schmaltz approved on 12/26/2017. Gang Ye implemented 12/26/17. |