PCR Number RR 17-009
Date 2017-12-26
Initiator Jeff Schmaltz
Abstract Updated coefficient files and corrected directory reference of coefficient.
Problem Statement This updates PGE620 to run the new version of VIIRS Day/Night Band Enhanced Near Constant Contrast (ENCC) algorithm from Kelvin Bentzel and the Direct Readout Lab.
Description of Change Update nrt3 with PGE620 V1.0.12.

We will also need to change the associated scripts to pull the input data for VNPNCC from: of:

Products Affected VIIRS NRT imagery products
Software Affected PGE620 v1.0.12
Processing String to Receive the Change NRT
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing This has been tested on nrt4.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change As soon as possible
Status Jeff Schmaltz approved on 12/26/2017. Gang Ye implemented 12/26/17.