PCR Number RR 17-001
Date 2017-01-13
Initiator Jeff Schmaltz
Abstract PGE120 v6.0.27 -- Updates to LUT. Updates to add Centos 5/7
Problem Statement This updates PGE120 on nrt3. Changes include: remove fire products, new LUT to correct errors in CTH images, new parameter file for MxD06[CERI|COTW|COTI|CTH][CWPW][CWPI][CERW]_lut.xml, and with updated 3 LUT files for Mxd10NSC, MxD29IST and MxD29SIR, This has been tested and checked out on Land L2 reprocessing tests. (Note: nrt3 has already been updated with MODIS_Combine_V6.0.27 in PCR RR-16-011.)
Description of Change Update nrt3 with PGE120 V6.0.27.
Products Affected MODIS C6 imagery products
Software Affected PGE120 v6.0.27
Processing String to Receive the Change NRT
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing These versions of these codes have been in Collection 6 reprocessing.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change As soon as possible
Status Jeff Schmaltz approved on 01/13/2017. Gang Ye implemented 01/13/17.