PCR Number 14-011
Date 2014-06-05
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract To implement updates in PGE25N v6.0.17 with newly added perl scripts, .mcf files, products and code changes.
Problem Statement The “LANCE Enhancement Request – Daily rolling NDVI product” asked “to generate and distribute a near real-time 8-day rolling NDVI product to support the dust modeling, weather forecasting and agricultural monitoring communities.” After processing LANCE Terra 8-day rolling LSR (MOD09A1 and MOD09Q1) products from C5 PGE21N, MODAPS completed conversion of C6 PGE25 to C6 PGE25N to generate NRT daily rolling L3 Vegetation Indices (250m and 500m) products (MOD13[AQ]1N). PGE25N has been tested on nrt2 system for months, and the rolling VI data has been evaluated by the end user and approved by LANCE (see email below from Davies, Diane K. (GSFC-618.0)[SIGMA SPACE CORPORATION]" on 28/04/2014 17:15, “Regarding the Rolling NDVI product, I think we are ready to move forward with releasing this product. We have had the following feedback from GLAM:- They evaluated the MOD09[AQ]1N products used to create the rolling NDVI and said it compared well with the MOD09[AQ]1N products from MODAPS. See attached pdf email. - We then asked them to evaluate the rolling NDVI product but this is complicated as there is no direct science product to compare it with and their NDVI product is an 8-bit rather than the 16-bit product produced by LANCE. They conclude that "given that we previously did a comparison of NRT generated MOD09 vs our NDVI and found it quite acceptable, that the MOD13 is, by proxy, also fine. The rationale is that the NRT MOD13 is made using NRT MOD09." (see email below) By way of re-cap: The original request came from Arlindo's group with support from members of the International Cooperation for Aerosol Predition (ICAP) and a subsequent request was from the GEO secretariat representing the agricultural community. The new products are MOD13[AQ]1N - these are rolling NDVI products created using the MOD09[AQ]1N (8-day rolling surface reflectance) as input. GLAM currently takes LANCE MOD09 to create their own NDVI, so they have been able to validate the MOD09[AQ]1N products that go in to creating the rolling NDVI product. We could notify the FEWS-NET group that this product is ready and ask them if they have any additional input but I don't think this would add anything as there is no direct comparison with an existing product. I think we are OK to move ahead and get ready to release the rolling NDVI unless anyone has concerns. ThanksDiane”
Description of Change Implement the new PGE25[Q]N (NRT daily Rolling-8-day L3 Vegetation Indices 500m[250m]) - Added new PGE25[Q], PGE25[Q], M*D13[AQ]1N[C].mcf files - Added new products MOD13[AQ]1N (Level 3 Daily Rolling-8-Day Vegetation Indices [500m|250m]) and MOD13[AQ]1NC (Level 3 Daily Rolling-8-Day Vegetation Indices [500m|250m]) - Updated BROWSE shared code for the new product MOD13[AQ]1NC - Updated subsetting shared coeff file "gid_res.table" - Code changes in meta.c (Use of actual daily 'starttime' in output product name)
Products Affected M*D_PR13A1, MOD13[AQ]1N (Level 3 Daily Rolling-8-Day Vegetation Indices [500m|250m])
Software Affected PGE25[Q]N v6.0.17
Processing String to Receive the Change Both NRT strings
Downstream Product Effects MOD13A1NC and MOD13Q1NC are required inputs for PGE124 v5.0.6
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing PGE25N was successfully run on nrt2 in Archive Set 1 for the period 2014-02-15 through 2014-06-04 and test data were evaluated by the end user and approved by LANCE.
Justification The new PGE creates the following new products: MOD13[AQ]1N and MOD13[AQ]1NC
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Install PGE25 v6.0.17 on nrt1 on 2014-06-05 for Near Real Time processing
Status Edward Masuoka approved on 06/05/2014.