PCR Number 15-024
Date 2015-06-16
Initiator James Kuyper
Abstract PGE01 v6.0.23. Corrected the resolution of Bug 5334 to set PGSd_GEO_ERROR_VALUE in all cases where that value is not copied over from PGS_EPH_GetEphemAttit() outputs.
Problem Statement PGE01 will fail catastrophically if PGS_EPH_GetEphemAttit() fails for every single frame of a given scan due to a data gap in either the ephemeris or attitude files, even if there's perfectly good data for other scans of the same granule. This is because a flag that should have been set to indicate that such data should be ignored is not set when the problem is due to a data gap. This was due to an incorrect fix to Bug 5334, which was delivered as part of PGE01 6.0.19 on 2014-10-22. Before that fix, PGE01 would fail regardless of the reason for the failure of PGS_EPH_EphemAttit(), due to an unanticipated side-effect of the fix to bug 2473 that was delivered as part of PGE01 6.0.16 on 2013-06-18.
Description of Change Correct the code to set the flag value even if the failure of PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() was due to a data gap.
Products Affected None.
Software Affected PGE01 v6.0.23
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing, NRT
Downstream Product Effects The good data from L1A and Geolocation files that would not have been created with the older version of this code will now become available as inputs to all downstream PGEs. Note: almost every PGE is downstream of PGE01. The bad scan will have fill data in the Geolocation file, but other scans will be perfectly usable.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Ran Terra and Aqua one-day (2015-04-24) test in AS1304 with C6 forward production data as baseline. The bug that was identified in the Terra runs for 13:15 and 13:20 of the day has been fixed.2010-059
Justification Increased amounts of good data made available to downstream PGEs
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Steve Platnic approved 06/20/2015. Michael King approved on 06/22/2015.