PCR Number 15-005
Date 2015-03-18
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract PGE01 v6.0.22. Generate MODLM_QA logs for MxD03 data.
Problem Statement LDOPE asks to add MODLM_QA log files to geolocation data (MxD03).
Description of Change Integrated LDOPE QA code for MxD03.
Products Affected None
Software Affected PGE01 v6.0.22 MODLM_QA
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing, Terra and Aqua Reprocessing, NRT
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Tested on ops8 and compared PGE01 6.0.21 and 6.0.22 output and confirmed that MxD01 and MxD03 output are identical, except that 6.0.22 generates additional MODLM_QA.MxD03* log files. 2010-059
Justification MODLD_QA will be send to LODPE for QA purpose.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change 2015-03-18
Status Major algorithm development completed. Gang Ye approved on 03/18/2015.