PCR Number 14-032
Date 2014-12-23
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract PGE02 v6.1.18 (Terra), PGE02 v6.1.33 (Aqua). Changed to insert ".NRT" in DOI metadata if running on the Near Real Time system
Problem Statement Missing DOI metadata for C6 NRT L1B output.
Description of Change Update PGE02 6.1.16 to 6.1.18 and PGE02 6.1.31 to 6.1.33 by adding DOI metadata to NRT C6 L1B products. No change to C6 L1B output.
Products Affected Nothing, except for adding DOI metadata to C6 NRT L1B products
Software Affected PGE02 6.1.18 and PGE02 6.1.33
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Aqua Forward
Downstream Product Effects Nothing.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Comparison test of AS1243/1244 verifies that output of PGE02 6.1.16/6.1.31 and PGE02 6.1.18/6.1.33 are identical.
Justification Add DOI metadata to NRT C6 L1B output
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Dec 23, 2014 for Terra forward processing on ops8 and NRT process on nrt3.
Status Jack Xiong approved on 12/23/2014.