PCR Number 13-017
Date 2013-10-31
Initiator James Kuyper
Abstract Increased upper limit on the size of maneuver list LUT files.Changed to use newer 30 arc-second DEM data based on GMTED 2010.
Problem Statement 1. MOD_PR03 5.0.15 had an upper limit of 256 maneuvers that can be stored in a maneuver list LUT file. DMU 76 pushed the Terra maneuver list LUT file over that limit. Note: C6 versions of MOD_PR03 don't use such LUT files.2. Collection 6 Geolocation uses new 15 arc-second DEM files for both the Elevation and the Land/Water Mask, but those files contain fill values, so PGE01 was set up to automatically fall back to the 30 arc-second files wherever there are fill values. To keep the fall-back data consistent with the high-resolution data, the C6 version of the 30 arc-second DEM files was updated with data from GMTED 2010. The DEM files are part of the SDP Toolkit, and therefore the choice of which files to use is controlled by the version of the SDP Toolkit used when starting PGE01. If SDP Toolkit 5.2.9 is chosen, the old files are used; if a later version is chosen, the newer files are used. PGE01 5.0.52 was built using SDP Toolkit 5.2.9, and therefore used the old DEM files. PGE01 5.0.53 was updated to use SDP Toolkit 5.2.17, without consideration of the fact that this would change the version of the DEM files used; CM corrected this, but the uncorrected version is still currently in use.
Description of Change 1. MOD_PR03 5.0.16 was updated to allow 512 maneuvers; that should be sufficient to cover until the end of C5 processing.2. PGE01 5.0.54 now uses SDP Toolkit 5.2.17, and the documentation for MOD_PR01 and MOD_PR03 was updated to reflect the fact that it uses SDP Toolkit 5.2.17. No change was required to the actual make files, which have been compatible with newer versions of the SDP Toolkit since PGE01 5.0.45.
Products Affected M*D03
Software Affected PGE01 v5.0.54Recipe: [AP]M1M_C5_0m/0nrtm 3.3.230
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects The new DEM files have slightly different values for the Elevation in virtually all land locations south of 87N latitutude, so all downstream products will see slightly different geolocation values.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing  
Justification The new 30 arc-second DEM files should produce slightly more accurate geolocation; and they will be more consistent with C6 geolocation, since the new 30 arc-second data came from the same source (the USGS) as the 15 arc-second files used in C6.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change 2013-10-30
Status Robert Wolfe approved on 10/31/2013.