PCR Number | 12-019 |
Date | 2012-10-08 |
Initiator | James Kuyper |
Abstract | PGE01 v5.0.52 was updated to work the same as 5.0. |
Problem Statement | When MYDGBAD files covering a given time 5-minute time period have been received, but contain no useable data for that time period, PGE96 goes to NoRun without producing any products. When that happens, PGE01continues waiting until the timeout expires for the PM1EPHND_NRT file that can never be produced. |
Description of Change | Corrected to check for closure of one PGE96 instance, rather than $NGRAN+1 instances, in a single 5-minute time period. |
Products Affected | While this fix only affects Aqua NRT processing, the same PGE version is used for both Aqua and Terra, both NRT and normal processing.AM1M/PM1M_C5_0(nrt)m 3.3.198 |
Software Affected | PGE01 v5.0.52 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | |
Downstream Product Effects | Since PGE01 produces no product either way, downstream products are not affected. |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | 2012-09-21/282010-059 |
Justification | PGE01 should go immediately to NoRun when any mandatory input is missing because the corresponding PGE itself went to NoRun. It should not clog up the production system waiting for that input. |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | 2012-10-05 |
Status | This is an internal PCR approved for documenting the verification of the successful testing of the PGE version. |