PCR Number | 12-009 |
Date | 2012-02-13 |
Initiator | James Kuyper |
Abstract | PGE93 v6.0.1 was updated for consistency with SDP Toolkit 5.2.16 and to increment DESCRRevision. |
Problem Statement | The make files in PGE93 are incompatible with current versions of the third-party libraries we use. The *.met files created by PGE93 have DESCRevision set to 5.0. |
Description of Change | Update make files for compatibility with SDP Toolkit 5.2.16 and the corresponding versions of the other associated libraries.Update the MCF to set DESCRevision to 6.0. |
Products Affected | MOD02SSH files will have *.met files with DESCRevision of 6.0. All other versioning metadata is, as always, copied from the input L1B file. |
Software Affected | PGE93 v6.0.1, Process: MOD_PR02SSH v6.0.1, Recipe: AM1M/PM1M_1m(c) v6.0.16 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | Aqua Reprocessing |
Downstream Product Effects | There are no downstream products. |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | Aqua 2002-11-282010-059 |
Justification | C6 MODIS processing is supposed to be done using SDP Toolkit 5.2.16 or higher.C6 MODIS products are supposed to have versioning metadata whose first component is a 6, regardless of whether they have any other changes from C5. |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | Feb 20, 2012 |
Status | Sadashiva Devadiga approved for Land and Michael King approved on 03/09/2012. |