PCR Number 12-009
Date 2012-02-13
Initiator James Kuyper
Abstract PGE93 v6.0.1 was updated for consistency with SDP Toolkit 5.2.16 and to increment DESCRRevision.
Problem Statement The make files in PGE93 are incompatible with current versions of the third-party libraries we use. The *.met files created by PGE93 have DESCRevision set to 5.0.
Description of Change Update make files for compatibility with SDP Toolkit 5.2.16 and the corresponding versions of the other associated libraries.Update the MCF to set DESCRevision to 6.0.
Products Affected MOD02SSH files will have *.met files with DESCRevision of 6.0. All other versioning metadata is, as always, copied from the input L1B file.
Software Affected PGE93 v6.0.1, Process: MOD_PR02SSH v6.0.1, Recipe: AM1M/PM1M_1m(c) v6.0.16
Processing String to Receive the Change Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects There are no downstream products.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Aqua 2002-11-282010-059
Justification C6 MODIS processing is supposed to be done using SDP Toolkit 5.2.16 or higher.C6 MODIS products are supposed to have versioning metadata whose first component is a 6, regardless of whether they have any other changes from C5.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Feb 20, 2012
Status Sadashiva Devadiga approved for Land and Michael King approved on 03/09/2012.