PCR Number 11-031
Date 2011-03-01
Initiator James Kuyper
Abstract PGE60 perl script change to simplify LANCE-MODIS science test runs of Geolocation with PGE60 running under the same MODAPS instance.
Problem Statement On 2009-08-21, the PGE60 perl script was modified to allow use of Sybase::CTlib, even though no use was actually made of that library.Sybase::CTlib is not available on the LANCE-MODIS CentOS minions
Description of Change Remove "Use Sybase::CTlib"
Products Affected AM1M/PM1M_L2m(c)
Software Affected PGE60 v5.0.7
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects Since Sybase::CTlib was never actually used, removing access to it should have no effect.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing N/A
Justification While PGE60 itself is not normally run in the LANCE-MODIS system, it is the primary method we use to evaluate the accuracy of MODIS geolocation, which does run normally under LANCE-MODIS. Science tests of LANCE-MODIS runs of Geolocation are simplified if PGE60 can be run under the same MODAPS instance.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change 2011-04-28
Status Robert Wolfe approved on 06/14/11. This is an internal PCR approved for documenting the change to this PGE. There is no change to the science code and so no further science testing is required.