PCR Number 22-016
Date 2022-11-15
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar and Praveen Noojipady on behalf of P.I. Alexei Lyapustin
Abstract PGE158 6.1.5

Only major changes have been shown here for brevity:
- Converted the product to HDFEOS format.
- Corrected certain SDS attribute names.
- Updated the corner UL/LR Lat/Lon values to be in DDMMSS format.

Problem Statement Generate MAIAC CMG product suite for the first time in the on-going C61 reprocessing.
Description of Change Several changes including code changes to convert the product format to HDFEOS2 and to add/update several missing dataset specific attributes.
Products Affected Daily C61 L3 MAIAC CMG products, MCD19A1CMGL, MCD19A1CMGO, MCD19A2CMG, and MCD19A3CMG
Software Affected PGE158 6.1.5
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A series of science tests were carried out in AS 1913. The outputs from this test were fully assessed and approved by LDOPE and the science team.
Justification The updated PGE ensures that the C61 MAIAC CMG products are in HDFEOS format, compliant with rest of the MODIS products, ensuring that they can be correctly geospatially projected, using any third-party tools
Effective Date for Implementation of Change MODAPS was requested to restart the reprocessing of the C61 MAIAC CMG products, with all the changes mentioned herein, as of 11/10/2022.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 12/7/2022. Sudipta Sarkar approved on 11/15/2022.