PCR Number 22-015
Date 2022-10-13
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract PGE16 6.5.18

A char array size was properly adjusted to account for the size of the log string being passed to the "SMFLOG" function.

Problem Statement Current operational version of PGE16 (V6.5.17) was failing with memory "Buffer out of bounds" error since the switch to the Ubuntu OS.
Description of Change A char array size was properly adjusted to account for the size of the log string being passed to the "SMFLOG" function.
Products Affected Daily L2/L3 LST products, MxD11_L2/MxD11B1/A1
Software Affected PGE16 6.5.18
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing.
Downstream Product Effects No direct impact on any downstream LST products, though this change will ensure the continuity of the MxD11 L2 and L3 daily products.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Ran test in AS 1912 for several days and the PGE16 was confirmed to run and produce science quality data by LDOPE and MODAPS.
Justification The PGE16 v6.5.17 was failing in production with a memory error, since the switch to Ubuntu, for occasional granules. Hence, it had to be fixed to continue with nominal production.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change PGE16 V6.5.18 was placed in forward production since 09/28/2022.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 10/13/2022. Sudipta Sarkar approved on 10/13/2022.