PCR Number 22-003
Date 2022-06-06
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract PGE150 V6.1.4, PGE151 6.1.3, PGE41 6.1.1, PGE42 6.1.1

Updates to PGE150:
- Update class_name_list.txt to change types for UMD, LCCS2 and LCCS3
- Patch to used correct class_name_list.txt file (2022-05-25)

Updates to PGE151:
- Updates perl script by changing $MOD_PR12CMGA_cmd through adding if($LC_list eq "LC2") so that "-u 1" argument works for UMD classification case to drop two types 11 and 14 off the output binary type fraction layers in BIP band interleave.

Updates to PGE41:
- In quarterly.c, comment out the lines between #5314 and 5341 under this statement: /* Override LCCS3 legend with the correct legend defined here */
- Comment out the lines between #5499 and 5516 under this statement:/* Set the correct legend of LC_Prop3 here */
- In quarterly.c, comment out #5478 to 5516 not to Set the correct legend of LC_Prop2and LC_Prop3
- Set the correct legend of LC_Prop2 and LC_Prop3
- Patched to export coarse products (2022-06-03)

Updates to PGE42:
- Updated UMD legends by dropping two types 11 (permanent wetlands) and 14 (cropland/natural vegetation mosaic) and also reduced the number of UMD percentage layersfrom 16 to 14.

Problem Statement Some of the landcover downstream PGEs needed to be updated to correct some of the landcover legends and class values, the principal one being the UMD landcover type (Type 2).
Description of Change The C61 Landcover downstream PGEs 150, 151, 41 and 42 were updated to correct the legend values and actual data ranges in the final MCD12Q1 and MCD12C1 data products. The changes were also made to make these final product legends more compatible with the C61 User?s Guide.
Products Affected Daily C61 L3 Tiled and CMG Landcover/Phenology products, MCD12Q1/MCD12C1.
Software Affected PGE150 V6.1.4, PGE151 V6.1.3, PGE41 V6.1.1, PGE42 6.1.1
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A science test was conducted in AS 1890 and the outputs from this test were fully assessed and approved by LDOPE. Still pending final science team approval.
Justification Accurate description of dataset attributes in the data product in hdf format is essential for the product to be self descriptive and usable by users without having to cross reference other document sources. Some of the legend entries from the initial round of C61 landcover processing were found to be wrong and incompatible with the product user guide. LDOPE confirmed these and made suitable changes in the relevant PGEs to update al the intermediate and final products for the MCD12Q1 and MCD12C1.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change The updated PGE150, 151, 41and 42 have been used to re-initiate these processing as part of AS 1890 and AS 61 on Ops5, since 05/27/22.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 06/29/2022. Sudipta Sarkar approved on 06/29/2022.