PCR Number 22-002
Date 2021-03-01
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract PGE145 6.1.2, PGE146 6.1.4, PGE147 6.1.2, PGE148 6.1.1, PGE149 6.1.1, PGE150 6.1.3, PGE151 6.1.2, PGE87 6.1.2, PGE41 6.1.0, BROWSE color LUT

Updates to PGE145:
- Added new PGE145L for leading edge process
- PGE145 will use all data from previous year + current year + next year
- PGE145L will use previous year 12 months + current year 12 months
- Updates to PGE145 Perl script to add the met file inside the tar ball

Updates to PGE146:
- Updates to Perl script to add the met file inside the tar ball
- Use only current year PGE145 outputs as PGE145 contains data for all three years in a single tar file.
- Update the valid range values
- Update the unit values
- Update to add the scale_factor for EVI_Area, EVI_Minimum and EVI_Amplitude
- Update to change the string "fill_value" with "_FillValue
- Updated MOD_PR12Q2 to V6.1.1
- The function MCD12Q2C6_AnnualPhenologyFunctions.R is updated for the following:

-- Change QA_Detailed to not redundantly report QA_Overall.
-- Then 32767 can be maintained as the fill value for all SDS and QA_Detailed needs only 0-16383 range.
-- The function "DefaultPhenoParameters" is updated to include new default values
-- The function "GetSegs" is modified to allow for the specification of both absolute and relative amplitude thresholds.
- Fixed longname in output file

All other downstream PGEs, PGE147-151 were updated to pack the met files inside the tar ball.

Problem Statement Start generation of the improved versions of MODIS Landcover/Phenology (landcover-dynamics) suite of products, MCD12Q1/Q2/C1 as part of Collection 6.1 (C6.1) re-processing.
Description of Change Changes were made to selected science codes and the PGE production rules, to alleviate some known issues noted in C6 and also to allow for quicker production of these products, with minimal lag, in the forward production. Specific changes include:

1. Improvements to the snow-filtering algorithm in the VI spline fitting code.

2. Remove and remap the "Permanent Wetlands (11)" and "Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaic (14)" classes from the UMD landcover scheme. The class 14 was remapped to "Savannah" and class 11 was removed.

3. Changes in the PGE production rules and staging requirements to allow for minimal latency in the forward stream:

a. Use three complete years of inputs in the upstream spline fitting process: 12+12+12 (all of previous + all of current + all of months next) and output 3 years of data. This was previously set to 6+12+6 (6 months previous + all of current + 6 months next), with 1 year of final output in C6.

b. Concomitant with above, set the PGE146 num_yrs = 5 to allow use of three years of inputs from the spline fitting process.

c. Have a separate version of PGE145 (PGE145L) to be used specifically at leading edge, for cloning the last 6 months of following year inputs from the current year, e.g., when running for 2019, if 2020 last 6 months are not available, then clone then from last six months of 2019.

d. Change the downstream PGE146 to be able to accept the modified splined VI outputs from the upstream spline fitting process (PGE145)

e. Pack the "*.met" files as part of the upstream PGEs intermediate products for better traceability of the intermediate inputs used.
Products Affected Daily C61 L3 Tiled and CMG Landcover/Phenology products, MCD12Q1/MCD12C1 and MCD12Q2.
Software Affected PGE145 6.1.2, PGE146 6.1.4, PGE147 6.1.2, PGE148 6.1.1, PGE149 6.1.1, PGE150 6.1.3, PGE151 6.1.2, PGE87 6.1.2, PGE41 6.1.0, BROWSE color LUT
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A series of science tests have been carried out to assess and fully confirm all production rule and science changes, culminating in a final multi-year test that was carried out in AS 1850 for all final C61 land cover and phenology products. The outputs from this test were fully assessed and approved by LDOPE and the science team.
Justification Input requirements for processing of the land cover and phenology were streamlined in C61 so the two products for the current year is now processed after 6 months of data from the following year is available unlike in C6 where processing of phenology was delayed for more than a year. New input setting and staging requirements in C61 removed the occasional anomalous spikes seen in the C6 phenology products. C61 product includes additional improvements to the UMD land-cover class addressing known issues that were discovered in the C6 product. C61 product is further improved from use of snow filtering in the spline fitting process.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change MODAPS was requested to start the reprocessing of the C61 landcover and phenology products, with all the changes mentioned herein, as of 03/01/2022. The products, once produced, are expected to be reviewed by LDOPE and science team and approved for release from the DAACs thereafter.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved 03/07/2022.