PCR Number | 21-018 |
Date | 2021-05-06 |
Initiator | Sudipta Sarkar |
Abstract | PGE12 6.1.4, PGE13 6.1.9, PGE14 6.1.4, PGE15 6.1.4, PGE130 6.1.4, PGE135 6.1.7, PGE140 6.1.4 -- Added MxDMAIACO1km, MxDMAIACO1kmGEO, MxDMAIACOhkm, and MxDMAIACOqkm, L1B gridded outputs for MAIAC Only. |
Problem Statement | The operational C61 PGE12 had to be updated, to provide for a separate wrap-around downstream PGE (PGE165), to generate separate L1B gridded products, specifically for use by the C61 MAIAC products. |
Description of Change | 1. Modify the PGE12 to add logic for the generation of additional sets of gridded L1B products, with new ESDTs, for use by the downstream MAIAC PGE. 2. Add new product type and keys to specify these new set of products. 3. Re-integrate these changes to PGE12 with all other downstream dependent PGEs, like PGE13/14/15/130.140,135, for consistency. |
Products Affected | Daily L2G (PGE12) and L2G lite process (PGE13) |
Software Affected | PGE12 6.1.4, PGE13 6.1.9, PGE14 6.1.4, PGE15 6.1.4, PGE130 6.1.4, PGE135 6.1.7, PGE140 6.1.4 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing. NRT |
Downstream Product Effects | Only the new MAIAC only gridded L1B products (MxDMAIACO1km[GEO]/MxDMAIAChkm/MxDMAIACqkm) will be specifically affected by these changes. Impact on the other existing L2G/L2G lite products will be none. |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | A science test was run in AS 1842 to confirm that no inadvertent changes were introduced to any of the existing products because of these new additions to PGE12. |
Justification | The changes made to PGE12 will help generate a set of additional gridded L1B products, through the newly introduced PGE165, to support the C61 MAIAC suite. |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | The revised PGE12 and all dependent changes will be introduced in C61 forward and re-processing, starting with the production date of second week of May, 2021. |
Status | Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 05/13/2021. Gang Ye approved on 05/13/2021. |