PCR Number 21-007
Date 2021-02-22
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract PGE132 6.0.31 -- Changed background color from grey to black for MAIAC RGB products
Problem Statement The operational GIBS L3 Land process for Collection 6 (PGE132 V6.0.30) was showing all the fillvalues and missing tiles in the MAIAC RGB true-color images in grey. Science team suggested black as a suitable alternative for the RGB images of MAIAC MCD19A1/A2 products.
Description of Change PGE132 V6.0.31 has been updated to change the background color from grey to black for MAIAC RGB products (MCG19*)
Products Affected MODIS C6 Land L3 GIBS products
Software Affected PGE132 6.0.31
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. NRT
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A science test was not deemed necessary given the relatively minor nature of the change and it was confirmed by LDOPE through an internal unit test.
Justification The PGE132, operating in the OPS and NRT streams, for C6, was producing the 3-layer RGB JPEG images for MCD19A1/A3 visible bands with a grey colored background. But the science team thought that changing the background to black will help them and the users of these products, better distinguish the missing areas from areas of valid retrievals. Hence, the background color was changed from grey to black, starting V6.0.31
Effective Date for Implementation of Change As soon as possible.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 2/23/2021. Gang Ye approved on 2/22/2021.