PCR Number 21-001
Date 2021-01-12
Initiator Jim Ray
Abstract PGE199 1.0.10 --

- Added lat/lon prescreening to the "Projection into grid" portion of main() (gaps.c) -- if geolocation has problems (zeros in it (lt/gt +/-0.005)), replace such values with -999.0.

- Updated PGEVER to '1.0.10' in PGE199/GAPS/src/gaps_HDF.c and postprocessing programs

Problem Statement A few AVHRR GAC files contain zeros as geolocation fill values, leading to artifact in the outputs.
Description of Change A new version of PGE199 (V1.0.10) was delivered, which replaces zeros in geolocation fill values with fill values the algorithm was designed to handle (-999.0).
Products Affected AVHRR Version 5 LTDR products.
Software Affected PGE199 1.0.10
Processing String to Receive the Change NOAA-N* Reprocessing. MetOp-B Reprocessing. MetOp-B Forward Processing.
Downstream Product Effects Given the rarity of bad geolocation fill values in the GAC record, there is improvement (elimination of artifact) to only a small number of outputs.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Science test run in AS 1821 and products verified by both the science team and LDOPE.
Justification This change will eliminate geolocation-based artifact in PGE199's products.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change This PGE199 V1.0.10 will be used in LTDR V5 forward processing from day 2021-011 (January 11) and to resume the V5 MetOp-B reprocessing (2018 and 2019). Some of the days affected by this issue, both in reprocessing and forward processing, like days 2014-188, 2017-031 and 2020-351 will also be reprocessed using this version.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 01/12/2021. Gang Ye approved on 01/21/2021.