PCR Number 20-023
Date 2020-10-07
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract PGE133 v6.1.3 -- Rolled back LM change done for Aqua not available for doy 220 to 246 in 2020.
Problem Statement The C6 PGE133 production updates implemented by the MODAPS STIG deemed as necessary to process the Aqua FMU Anomaly period (8/16/2020 - 9/2/2020) was immediately translated to the C61 operational version (V6.1.2) of the PGE for consistency. Later on, this change deemed not required as most of the combined PGEs required only manual forced run by the OPS staff with all Aqua L1 PGEs to go to NoRun status.
Description of Change Roll back the patch that was made in the operational PGE133 V6.1.2, to handle the Aqua outage period between August 16 - September 2, as that change patch was deemed unnecessary to handle that outage and was not even needed in the C61 PGEs, to start with.
Products Affected Monthly Burned Area intermediate product, MCD64A0
Software Affected PGE133 6.1.3
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Forward Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects All C61 monthly Burned Area products, MCD64A0/A1
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Given that no science code change was made, and this involved rolling back a patch, made in the production rule, no science test was deemed necessary.
Justification A patch was delivered for C6 PGE133, by MODAPS STIG to handle the Aqua outage between August 16 - September 2, 2020, in the forward production. This same was applied to the equivalent C61 version. This patch was later deemed unnecessary and hence it was rolled back, so as not to produce any adverse impact on the relevant products. A new PGE133 V6.1.3 was delivered, with the patch rolled back.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change The revised PGE113 V6.1.3 will be used to continue the C61 re-processing from 2007 onwards and to continue the forward processing from year 2019 onwards.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Chris Justice approved on 10/13/2020. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 10/13/2020. Gang Ye approved on 10/13/2020.