PCR Number | 20-015 |
Date | 2020-07-27 |
Initiator | Sudipta Sarkar |
Abstract | PGE116 v6.1.7 -- 1. Fix fatal exit on bad pixel 2. Update MOD_LST_finish.c |
Problem Statement | The operational PGE116, being used in C61 re-processing, was erroneously exiting with a fatal error signal for a minor retrieval issue for any given pixel, where the pixel could have been simply skipped and processing continued for the rest of the pixels. |
Description of Change | PGE116 V6.1.7 removed this fatal error and replaced it with a simple warning, thus allowing the production to continue and prevent the PGE116 from going into error and holding up the production of the entire granule. |
Products Affected | MODIS C61 1KM JPL LST L2 Product (MxD21) |
Software Affected | PGE116 6.1.7 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Forward Reprocessing. |
Downstream Product Effects | None |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | No science test was deemed necessary, given the minor change and the overall recommendation of the science team. |
Justification | This change ensures safe and graceful science quality processing of the product for the remainder of the granule following minor retrieval errors at one or more pixel in the granule. Earlier version would exit without generating the granule level product and in-turn impacting the downstream L3 products. |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | As soon as possible in the current leading edge of C61 re-processing. |
Status | Major algorithm development completed. Chris Justice approved on 07/28/2020. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 07/27/2020. Gang Ye approved on 07/30/2020. |