PCR Number 20-011
Date 2020-06-25
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract PGE132 v6.0.28 - Added an extra argument of "-type truecolor" to the existing "convert" command line sequence to ensure 3 channel RGB JPEG output.
Problem Statement The operational GIBS L3 Land process for Collection 6 (PGE132) needed a fix to accommodate a change in the configuration of the "convert" command with system upgrade.
Description of Change PGE132 V6.0.28 has been updated to add an extra command line argument, while invoking the system "convert" command to ensure generation of 3 channel RGB grey tiles for certain L3 GBS products.
Products Affected MODIS C6 Land L3 GIBS products
Software Affected PGE132 6.0.28
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. NRT
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing No science test is deemed to be necessary as the change is very minor and has been tested thoroughly through a unit test.
Justification The PGE132, operating in the OPS and NRT streams, for C6, invokes the system "convert" command to generate RGB grey tiles for L3 MC[Z|G]19* and MCG43* GIBS products. These grey tiles are used to backfill the areas with missing MODIS land L3 data. Because of a likely system upgrade around March 31st of 2020, the "convert" command was producing the single band grey image instead of the needed RGB image. Hence, an additional command line flag needed to be added to ensure generation of RGB images.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change As soon as possible.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Chris Justice approved on 07/28/2020. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 07/23/2020. Gang Ye approved on 07/23/2020.