PCR Number 20-002
Date 2020-02-20
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract PGE12 6.1.3, PGE13 6.1.8, PGE14 6.1.3, PGE15 6.1.3, PGE130 6.1.3, PGE140 6.1.3

1. At the PGE level, a condition was enforced in PGE12, whereby the PGE would throw a fatal error and fail if it failed to open an input file that has been specified in the PCF.

2. An additional check was implemented in the PGE12/PGE13/PGE14/PGE15/PGE130 and PGE140 loader module that would force the inputs to be copied to the working directory instead of being linked from /tis/lads/data/

3. Re-baseline PGEs 14/15/130 and 140 based on the revised PGE12.

Problem Statement It was seen during the current C61 re-processing that occasionally, PGE12/PGE13 would fail to open an input file that was supposed to be staged and had been specified in the PCF file. Under this circumstance, PGE12 would not complain and would complete without any error, resulting in eventual data gaps.
Description of Change 1. At the PGE level, a condition was enforced in PGE12, whereby the PGE would throw a fatal error and fail if it failed to open an input file that has been specified in the PCF.

2. An additional check was implemented in the PGE12/PGE13/PGE14/PGE15/PGE130 and PGE140 loader module that would force the inputs to be copied to the working directory instead of being linked from /tis/lads/data/

3. Re-baseline PGEs 14/15/130 and 140 based on the revised PGE12..

Products Affected Daily L2G (PGE12) and L2G lite process (PGE13)
Software Affected MOD_PRMGR/MOD_PR09G (PGE12 6.1.3, PGE13 6.1.8, PGE14 6.1.3, PGE15 6.1.3, PGE130 6.1.3, PGE140 6.1.3)
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects All L2G and L2G lite product specific files and downstream dependent L3 products will be impacted by these changes.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Ran science test generating globally the L2G surface reflectance produc.
Justification The changes made to PGE12 the additional changes to the LM for PGE12-15, PGE130, PGE140 will ensure that all inputs are present in the local disk before the PGE is kicked off and hence will reduce chance of missing data gaps in the L2G and L3 products. In addition a further check was added in PGE12 to ensure that the PGE fails if it cannot read any input file.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change The changes to PGE12 and PGE13 changes were included in C61 re-processing from day 2000/160. For all the other PGEs, the changes were included from re-processing day 2000/240 onward. Reprocessing of earlier mission period is not required.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 02/20/2020. Gang Ye approved on 02/20/2020.