PCR Number 19-017
Date 2019-08-15
Initiator Sanjeeb Bhoi
Abstract PGE16 v6.4.21 -- Update the perl script to point to the correct LUT location in the updated browse PGE version 6.0.55
Problem Statement The color used in the browse images of L2 LST products starting with day 2019049 from the current operational version of PGE16 (V6.4.20) weren't looking correct.
Description of Change Updated perl scripts to point to proper LUT location and updated BROWSE code to v6.0.55
Products Affected BROWSE.MYD11_L2
Software Affected PGE16 v6.4.21
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing No science test required. Verify the images through unit test at STIG
Justification No impact on the product quality. The browse images need to be corrected -- these are used by users while searching for the product at DAACs.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 08/15/2019. Gang Ye approved on 08/15/2019.