PCR Number 18-016
Date 2018-10-12
Initiator Sudipta Sarkar
Abstract Updated GIBS PGE125 (V6.1.5) to address several bugs related to invalid floating-point comparison, string copy etc., that may have been causing incorrect colors to appear in some of the C61 Atmosphere L2 images in GIBS for forward processing.
Problem Statement GIBS images generated for the Atmosphere standard products from the operational C61 forward processing didn't contain the full range of colors though the color LUT contained full range of color pallets.
Description of Change Updated GIBS PGE125A (V6.1.5) to address several bugs related to invalid floating-point comparison, string copy etc., that may have been causing incorrect colors to appear in some of the C61 Atmosphere L2 images in GIBS for forward processing.
Products Affected All L2 GIBS image of C61 Atmosphere products from forward processing
Software Affected PGE125A v6.1.5
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing, NRT
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Science test generated GIBS images of L2 atmosphere product for period of 1 month. These images evaluated by staging in a GIBS test instance.
Justification Without these fixes the products the GIBS images of L2 Atmosphere products generated in the C61 forward processing won't have been correct.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved 10/28/2018. Gang Ye approved on 10/12/2018.