PCR Number 18-009
Date 2018-10-30
Initiator CERES Sunny Sun_Mack
Abstract PGE92 v6.1.1 - Modified code to collect 5 good detector radiances instead of every other scan line and every other pixel because 15 of 20 detectors of 1.6 um (Band 6) in Aqua MODIS were bad or not usable. This modification is only done for Aqua-MODIS.
Problem Statement Update Aqua code in PGE92 due to the fact that 15 of 20 detectors of 1.6um (Band 6) in Aqua MODIS were bad or not usable.
Description of Change Modified following 4 modules to collect 6 good detector radiances instead of every other scan lineĀ and every other pixel. This modification is only done for Aqua-MODIS. There is no change on Terra-MODIS. The code changes will not effect Terra-MODIS: MOD02SS1.c put_subsamp_openS.c spatial_subset.c modisio_SS.h
Products Affected MODHDFSR, MYDHDFSR
Software Affected PGE92 v6.1.1
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing, Terra and Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Ran test with sample Aqua granules
Justification Sanjeeb,

Yes, we have tested both of your and They both look good. They are the same as what we produced over here ( we ordered MODIS 1KM, HKM and QKM online as our inputs).

You may baseline the PGE whenever it fits your schedule. Could you please let me know the *first data dates* for Aqua as well as for Terra with this new baseline? Thank you!

--Sunny 10/26/18

Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sunny Sun-Mack approved 10/26/2018. Gang Ye approved on 10/29/2018.