PCR Number 17-030
Date 2017-12-21
Initiator Jim Ray
Abstract PGE190 v6.0.2 --

Update PGE190 to use the polarization corrected L1B MO(Y)D02PC1KM as input in place of the L1B without polarization correction MO(Y)D021KM

Problem Statement Generate AERONET subsets for the polarization corrected L1B.
Description of Change Develop a new AERONET subset PGE (PGE190) by revising the operational AERONET subset PGE (PGE90) to use the polarization corrected L1B MO(Y)D02PC1KM as input in place of the L1B without polarization correction MO(Y)D021KM.
Products Affected MO(Y)DPCARNSS
Software Affected PGE190 v6.0.2 MOD_PRARSS
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Generate AERONET subset globally from 1-day of data using the PGE90 and PGE190
Justification Terra MODIS data exhibit increased polarization sensitivity after year 2008. Land processing uses polarization corrected L1B and hence evaluation of downstream and calibration monitoring requires AERONET subsets from polarization corrected L1B.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 12/21/2017. Michael King approved 1/3/2018. Gang Ye implemented 01/5/2018.