PCR Number 17-005
Date 2017-01-19
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract PGE25[Q]N v6.0.32 Update the metadata segment code in VIwrapper.c to account for the leap year and correctly estimate the beginning and ending of the 8-day period while processing the last day of the leap year.
Problem Statement The MOD13AN product generated in the NRT by PGE25[Q]N 6.0.31 failed to ingest in MODAPS for data day 2017-007 because of invalid value for the metadata RANGEBEGINNINGDATE. (8-day starting date is 2016-366, leap year, Year_Roll_Over)
Description of Change The correct valid value for the metadata RANGEBEGINNINGDATE in the 8-day composite MOD13A4N for the ending day 2017-007 could not be computed because of a coding error in PGE25[Q]N version 6.0.31 while processing the last day of the leap year 2016. The code was updated to account for the leap year and estimate the correct beginning date and ending date of the 8-dayperiod.
Products Affected MOD13[AQ][14]N,
Software Affected PGE25[Q]N v6.0.32
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward Processing and NRT
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Test ran on nrt3 and nrt4, and confirmed the bug was fixed.
Justification Product need to have valid metadata value for it to be archived and distributed to public This code change was necessary to address this error in the product metadata value.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 01/19/2017. Gang Ye implemented 01/19/2017.