PCR Number 17-004
Date 2017-01-11
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract PGE134 v6.0.7 Update the metadata segment code to write out the DOI metadata in the output product file.
Problem Statement DOI metadata missing in the operational product.
Description of Change Updated the PGE134 to include the DOI metadata as global attribute and in the ECS core metadata
Products Affected MCD64A1
Software Affected PGE134 6.0.7
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing No science test required. Verified the inclusion of the metadata in a unit test.
Justification DOI is a requirement and is needed for citation. Products in the archive is to be replaced through re-reprocessing.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 01/11/2017. Gang Ye implemented 01/11/2017.