PCR Number 16-022
Date 2016-11-02
Initiator Sadashiva Devadiga
Abstract PGE07 6.0.30, PGE08 6.0.10(T), PGE08 6.0.9(A), PGE43 6.0.13, PGE44 6.0.2 PGE45 6.0.4, PGE46 6.0.8, PGE67 6.0.4, PGE84 6.0.4

Update to use new revised color LUTs and color legends, code change to improve the readability of the legends within the image file.

Problem Statement The C6 browse products of snow and sea-ice products were faulty and didn’t represent the science data correctly.
Description of Change Correct the color LUTs used to generate the browse images and update the color legends to correspond the colors to the correct science data classes in the science data product files. Update the browse code to use new LUTs and also to improve the readability of the legends.
Products Affected MCD43A4
Software Affected PGE07 6.0.30, PGE08 6.0.10(T), PGE08 6.0.9(A), PGE43 6.0.13, PGE44 6.0.2 PGE45 6.0.4, PGE46 6.0.8, PGE67 6.0.4, PGE84 6.0.4
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Run 1-day global test to verify these changes to the color LUT and the legends.
Justification This change is not to the science data processing algorithm and hence not expected to change the quality of the product in anyway. This change to the PGEs will enable use of new color LUTs and legends while generating the browse image files so the image will reveal various classes in the science data correctly.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 11/02/2016. Gang Ye approved 11/10/2016.