PCR Number | 15-035 |
Date | 2015-09-03 |
Initiator | Sudipta Sarkar |
Abstract | PGE13 6.0.30. Increased the initial setting of 'nobs_out_max' for 'DATA_F_OUT_MOD09GA_1KM' and iloop = 0 by 1. |
Problem Statement | Inaccuracies from use of predicted ephemeris for processing of Aqua MODIS in the NRT system, though not significant, is large enough to generate additional observation at few grid cells at 1km resolution in the L2G process while using improved geolocation data in the C6 reprocessing. The C6 operational L2G PGE processed all tiles successfully in the operational processing run at MODAPS, but failed to process a few tiles occasionally on the NRT system while processing Aqua data. |
Description of Change | Update the processing code to account for an additional 1km observation at every grid cell. This change is not expected to impact the processing of the product at MODAPS. |
Products Affected | MxD09GA, MxD09GQ |
Software Affected | PGE13 v6.0.30 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Reprocessing, NRT |
Downstream Product Effects | None. |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | Process a global day of surface reflectance L2G both in operational processing and NRT2010-059 |
Justification | Without this change to the PGE the tile will not be processed at L2G with downstream L3 resulting in a data gap. This change will have no impact on the processing and quality of products in the operational processing stream at MODAPS. |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | Completed. |
Status | Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 09/08/2015. Michael King approved on 08/19/2015 |