PCR Number 14-020
Date 2014-09-19
Initiator Sadashiva Devadiga
Abstract To implement updates to PGE22 v5.2.5, PGE25 v5.2.15, PGE25Q v5.2.15, PGE35 v5.2.10 loader modules to run the Arctic V00 tiles.
Problem Statement To generate products for the Arctic V00 tiles ('51014000', '51015000', '51016000', '51017000', '51018000', '51019000', '51020000', '51021000'), we need to modify the loader module so that the PGE runs for these tiles.
Description of Change Modified loader module to allow PGE to run for the eight arctic tiles (510(1[4-9]|2[01])000)
Products Affected,,,
Software Affected PGE22 v5.2.5, PGE25 v5.2.15, PGE25Q v5.2.15, PGE35 v5.2.10
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Aqua Forward
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Ran 16-day period test generating global data for the day 2014 209 and 217.
Justification Though these tiles have very little vegetation, there seems to be users interested in studying the vegetation and vegetation change over these area.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change 2014-9-19
Status Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 09/19/2014. This is an internal PCR approved for documenting the verification of the successful testing of the PGE versions.