PCR Number 13-009
Date 2013-06-05
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract PGE59 v4.4.3 allows autoloader to load C4.1 [AP]M1M_C41_L17m] in forward production.
Problem Statement Install PGE59 (V4.4.3) to mtvs8 for C4.1 forward production
Description of Change For a long time we used different L17m recipe versions between C4.1 and C5. C4.1 process was always loaded with the C4.1 L17m recipe version manually. Then with the autoloader, we need different recipe names in C5 and C4.1 L17m processing. We already have C4.1 recipes like *_C41_L[1|4|7|15]m, but we still don’t have *_C41_17m recipe to run PGE59 4.4.3 so OPS needs manually load PGE59 4.4.3 in C4.1 forward production. CM needs to create [AP]M1M_C41_L17m to run PGE59 4.4.3.
Products Affected None
Software Affected PGE59 v4.4.3
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Aqua Forward
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing None.
Justification No data changes, just need to new recipe name for autoloader.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Immediately.
Status Gang Ye approved on 06/05/2013.