PCR Number 13-004
Date 2013-03-04
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract (NRT only) PGE124 v5.0.0 was created "Using the same algorithm as in the cron job developed by LDOPE staff.Output used for display in LANCE MODIS web page, no need for long term archiving."
Problem Statement Install new PGE124 (V5.0.0) to NRT production system in nrt1.
Description of Change Global browses of NRT land products were originally generated by a cron job scheduled to run 8 times a day. PGE124 in NRT MODAPS is intended to replace the cron job. It generates the same browses.
Products Affected 102 new products: M[OY]BG02Px, M[OY]BG09CRSPx, M[OY]BG10Px, MBG[OY]11Px, MBG[OY]14Px, M[OY]BG29Px (where x = 1,2,...,8). M[OY]BG09CMGP1, M[OY]BG09GAP1, M[OY]BG09GQP1.
Software Affected PGE124 v5.0.0 (new)
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Aqua Forward
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing None.
Justification Global browses of NRT land products created in MODAPS with more flexible and sophisticated production rules.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change New PGE passed all tests. It can be implemented any time.
Status Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 03/04/2013. Gang Ye implemented the CCR on 03/05/2013. This is an internal PCR approved for documenting the verification of the successful testing of the PGE.