PCR Number 13-002
Date 2013-02-28
Initiator Luigi Boschetti
Abstract PGE86 V51.0.2 is an updated version with bug fix.
Problem Statement 1) bug in the handling of thermal data, 2) omission errors in forested areas, 3) omission errors in agricultural areas
Description of Change 1) bug fixed, 2) band 6 inversion inhibited, after verification that the areas with omission did not show a significant change in band 6 post-fire, 3) introduction of additional spectral tests to avoid commission errors 4)use of C5.1 MCD12 instead of C4 MOD12 5)output format chance, with the elimination of the bit-packed SDSs, replaced by standard, non compressed SDSs for the storage of the data gap information
Products Affected MCD451, MCD45A2
Software Affected PGE86 v51.0.2
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Generated 1 year of global data from year. Test run at MODAPS and test result evaluated by the Science Team and LDOPE.
Justification Quality assessment of an extensive test dataset (1 year global dataset) and comparison with reference data showed improvement of the results, with reduced omission errors.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Science test completed; results evaluated by the LDOPE and SCF. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 02/27/2013. Michael King approved on 07/12/2012.