PCR Number 13-001
Date 2013-02-21
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract PGE16 v4.4.11 resolves how handles leap years.
Problem Statement MODIS C41 LST code has a bug in LoaderModule that fails to deal with end of year boundary
Description of Change Modified for cStart (StartTime of 8day period) leap year boundary condition
Products Affected While this fix only makes the LST moving at the year boundary but no changes to LST algorithms and dataRecipe: AM1M/PM1M_C41_L4[de]m 2.41.3
Software Affected PGE16 v4.4.11
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Aqua Forward
Downstream Product Effects No downstream products are affected.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Test passed without problem.
Justification No change to LST product.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change 02/21/13
Status Gang Ye approved on 02/21/2013. This is an internal PCR approved for documenting the verification of successful testing without change to LST products.