PCR Number 12-012
Date 2012-05-22
Initiator Sadashiva Devadiga
Abstract To document the critical error identified in the C5 land cover product (MCD12C1) in PGE42 v51.0.0.
Problem Statement Critical error identified in the Collection 5 (C5) version of the product - The Collection 5 MCD12Q1 product contained a trend of steadily increasing boreal tree cover between 2001 and 2009 that is unrelated to actual forest change.
Description of Change The problem was caused by land cover changes within the training site database used to produce the maps. To resolve this issue, the training site database was filtered for changed and otherwise poor quality sites. The Collection 5.1 MODIS Land Cover product was generated following the algorithm described by Friedl et al. (Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 168‐182) using the revised training data. 
Products Affected MCD12C1
Software Affected PGE42 v51.0.0
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Generate global data for 1-year.
Justification The error in the C5 land cover product is very critical. The new C51 product fixes the critical issue. The issues addressed by this C51 fix are posted on the LDOPE QA web page at
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Done
Status Science test completed; results evalutated by the Science Team at the SCF and at MODAPS. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 06/02/2012. Michael King approved on 06/04/2012.