PCR Number 11-008
Date 2001-01-18
Initiator Gang Ye and Robert Wolfe
Abstract To successfully use and run the same PGE15 C5 process in NRT and includes an updated version of shared libraries.
Problem Statement Update to run on NRT.
Description of Change - Update file to include PGI related libraries to aid in compilation under toolkit 5.2.1.- Modified PNTR_main.c, L2G_localGranuleID.c and l2g_shared.h to update the localGranuleId for NRT processing based on the run time parameter ReprocessingActual.
Products Affected MO[Y]D29PGD, MO[Y]D29PGN
Software Affected PGE15 v5.0.8
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Run 5-day global test on Mandriva and compare result with the data from the C5 forward processing.
Justification Use the same C5 Process in NRT. No change to science algorithm or produt in operational C5 or NRT.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed.
Status Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 01/18/2011. This is an internal PCR approved for documenting successful testing of the PGE version on the above said OS. There is no change to the science algorithm or product in operational C5 or NRT and so no further science testing is required.