PCR Number 07-004
Date 2007-02-07
Initiator David Roy
Abstract Fix production rule to correct problem at year-boundary.
Problem Statement Correct production rule at year boundary and change fill value.
Description of Change Production rule change for Terra/Aqua combined production and fix problem atthe year end boundary. Minor code update to change the fill value of the SDS.
Products Affected L3 Monthly Burned Area (MCD45A1)
Software Affected PGE86
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing 3-month time series for selected tiles using both Aqua and Terra input data.
Justification Improved data product using two instrument data.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change  
Status PI approved. Sadashiva Devadiga approved for Land, Vincent Salomonsom approved on 02/07/07.