PCR Number 23-004
Date 2023-04-21
Initiator Zhuo (Julie) Wang and Sudipta Sarkar on behalf of the Wisconsin Atmosphere team
Abstract PGE98 6.1.0, PGE03 6.1.6, PGE06 6.1.10, PGE85 6.1.2

  1. A new release of C61 version of PGE98, v6.1.0.
  2. The new PGE98 contains the science code revisions (fixed the ice concentration over inland), new coefficient file, and updated input requirements.
  3. Resampled the new input daily OISSTD21_AVHRR files and produced REYNSST equivalent REYNSSD21 data.
  4. The new REYNSSTD21 files is used for downstream PGE03, PGE06, and PGE85 products.
  5. This new daily oisst file will be used for reprocessing since January 2023 and forward processing.
Problem Statement The REYNSST weekly data was discontinued by NOAA, which was used to generate several cloud products (e.g., MxD06, MxD35) from MODAPS. The last REYNSST products MODAPS received is from January 29, 2023. The MODIS Atmosphere science team developed the algorithm to generate the new REYNSST equivalent data as a replacement, from input daily quarter degree OISST derived from AVHRR. This new daily REYNSST equivalent data will be referred to as REYNSSTD21. These new input daily REYNSSTD21 files will be used by downstream PGE03, PGE06 and PGE85. This PCR will cover the daily REYNSSTD21, as well as the updated L2 products (MxD35, MxD06, MxD04) and L3 (MxD08) products.
Description of Change Initial version of the science processing algorithm (PGE98), to produce the daily REYNSST equivalent REYNSSD21 from input daily AVHRR based OISST, was developed at SCF. MODAPS STIG developed the needed LoaderModule and PGE persl scripts to complete the transition of this process to a MODAPS PGE.

C61 Specific Algorithm Change/Improvements:

  1. A new release of C61 version of PGE98, v6.1.0.
  2. The new PGE98 contains the science code revisions (fixed the ice concentration over inland), new coefficient file, and updated input requirements.
  3. Resampled the new input daily OISSTD21_AVHRR files and produced REYNSST equivalent REYNSSD21 data.
  4. The new REYNSSTD21 files is used for downstream PGE03, PGE06, and PGE85 products.
  5. This new daily oisst file will be used for reprocessing since January 2023 and forward processing.
Products Affected New daily OISST (REYNSSTD21), C61 L2 products: MxD06, MxD35, MxD04, C61 L3 products (MxD08) and MxDCSR_G.
Software Affected PGE98 6.1.0, PGE03 6.1.6, PGE06 6.1.10, PGE85 6.1.2
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Processing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing. NRT.
Downstream Product Effects C61 products: MxD06_L2, MxD35_L2, and MxDCSR_G.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A series of science tests have been carried out to assess and fully confirm all production rule and science changes in AS1938. The outputs from this test were fully assessed and approved by LDOPE and the science team.
Justification The new REYNSSTD21 is needed to maintain science continuity of the MxD06_L2 and MxD35_L2 products that carry critical science information and provide datasets requested by the user community.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change The PGE98 v6.1.0, along with all the updated affected downstream PGEs, was placed in forward processing, starting 2023-04-14. The same will also be used to reprocess all impacted L2 (MxD04, MxD06, MxD35), L3 (MxD08_D3, MxD08_M3), and MxDCSR_G atmosphere products, since January 2023, after consultation with the science team.
Status Major algorithm development completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 05/05/2023. Sudipta Sarkar approved on 04/21/2023.