PCR Number 21-003
Date 2021-01-27
Initiator Starry Manoharan
Abstract PGE03 6.1.4; PGE06 6.1.7

Add new set of Cloud products in regular and polar projections.

Problem Statement Expecting changes to be made to the GDAS atmospheric profile that are used as ancillary data in the cloud top properties algorithm (MxD06_CT). To accommodate the changes in GDAS the MODIS Cloud Mask algorithm (PGE03) and the Cloud Top Properties algorithm (PGE06) had to be modified.
Description of Change Changes were made to gfs_routines.c and adjo3.c to account for modifications in GDAS input files. The numbers of levels have increased and RH and O3 levels are no longer contiguous with temperature levels. This required logic changes in the two routines.
Products Affected MxD35_L2, MxD06_L2, MxD08_D3 and MxD08_M3
Software Affected PGE03 6.1.3; PGE06 6.1.7
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Reprocessing. NRT
Downstream Product Effects MxD06_L2, MxD07_L2 and MxD08_D3, MxD08_E3, and MxD08_M3
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Science test generated nearly a month of Terra and Aqua data and were verified for correctness.
Justification Changes were made to gfs_routines.c and adjo3.c to account for modifications in GDAS input files. The numbers of levels have increased and RH and O3 levels are no longer contiguous with temperature levels. This required logic changes in the two routines
Effective Date for Implementation of Change February 1, 2021
Status Major algorithm development completed. Steve Platnick approved 02/01/2021. Gang Ye implemented 02/01/2021.