PCR Number 17-026
Date 2017-12-14
Initiator Bill Ridgway
Abstract PGE04 v6.1.6:

Updated MOD_PR04DB code to V6.1.5

Problem Statement PGE04 v6.1.5 Deep Blue retrievals had an issue where QA was set as QA=1 even when there was no valid retrieval (should be QA=0). It was determined that, in rare circumstances, the Deep Blue algorithm flag was not set correctly leading to the Deep Blue uncertainty SDS not being populated for a small number of pixels. Secondly, a QA logic test between Terra and Aqua was determined to be flawed with Aqua inadvertently using slightly different thresholds.
Description of Change Algorithm logic was corrected to address the flaws reported above.
Products Affected MOD_PR04DB (Deep Blue algorithm)
Software Affected PGE04 v6.1.6
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Reprocessing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing. NRT
Downstream Product Effects Subset MxDATML2 and all Level 3 products
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A one-day Science test (AS1572) was run for Terra and Aqua Day 2008/346
Justification Deep Blue Uncertainty SDS is important to some users (data assimilation teams, etc).
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Forward Processing: Target date for implementation is 1/1/2018

Re-Processing: No active Terra reprocessing. Use immediately for start of Aqua C6.1 reprocessing

NRT Processing: NRT Target date for implementation is 1/1/2018

Status Major algorithm development completed. Steve Platnick approved 12/18/2017. Michael King approved on 12/18/2017. Gang Ye implemented 01/03/2018.